We are currently developing an epoxy resin inclusion technique that allows to handle the anatomical pieces without gloves, avoiding getting dirty and without having contact with the formalin which is a toxic element. We seek that these anatomical fragments come from cadaveric pieces that are cut in different planes or directions. It is for this reason that a saw and a specific cutter are needed. The cuts may be similar to those of a CT scan, so that students can relate the images of a CT scan to real cuts. By correctly developing this technique that we are implementing, we can also expose the pieces and make an anatomy museum that would be interesting to visit and promote.
Tools for the Anatomy Laboratory
FCS - Medicine / Anatomy Laboratory and Dr. Werner Arnolds
Endless saw with 1 1/2 HP motor: Designed for cutting thick pieces. We are talking about a whole body. The endless saw can cut all kinds of tissue, including bone. Circular saw with smooth saw: is to make thin cuts of a few millimeters of soft material such as the brain, liver or heart, all the soft organs of the body. There, a saw with teeth can do more damage and, a piece that can be interesting could be broken. They are much more precise and fine sections. A quality cutter is the necessary tool to make this type of cuts.
Develop a pedagogically useful technique for all careers related to health. Make pieces that can be exposed to the public in the Anatomy museum and at the University extension events.
Alumnos y profesionales de la salud en general
Dr. Werner Arnolds
Sierra: $ 21.258,49; Cortadora: $ 49.741,51; Transporte: $4.000,00
Total: $ 75.000.0